
Family Friendly Nature & Recreation

The Spearfish area contains great bird habitats: Ponderosa pine forests, flowing mountain streams with rich vegetation, aspen groves, lakes, burned-areas, mixed-grassland hills, potholes and marshes, pastureland and urban parks.

The diversity of habitat provides home for more than 220 species of migratory and resident birds - some of which are found in few other locations in South Dakota. Your trip to Spearfish is a great opportunity to add some birds to your "life list."

And you don't have to venture far from your hotel or campground. The city of Spearfish maintains an amazing seven miles of recreation path - most of which follows Spearfish Creek through town. The creek - together with 26 pocket parks along the recreation path, the enormous Spearfish City Park, and the D.C. Booth Historic Fish Hatchery - all offer close and easy opportunities for successful bird watching during your Spearfish vacation.

Keep an eye open for some of these coveted Black Hills species: Bald Eagle, Ruffed Grouse, Lewis's Woodpecker, Red-naped Sapsucker, Gray Jay, Canyon Wren, Lazuli Bunting, American Dipper, Three-toed Woodpecker, Black-backed Woodpecker and Clark's Nutcracker.


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