As the premier mountain bike race of the Black Hills, the Dakota Five-O continues to entice riders from across the country. From the pristine, hand-built single-track that graces much of the course, to the PBR and bacon station and the high spirited after party, riders are impressed with this 50-mile race that they continue to return year after year.
The race will be held on August 31 at Spearfish City Park, but for those who wish to participate need to be quick on the draw. Registration for the event typically opens on April 1, and sells out within hours. There will be 4 different waves of starting times of this race. Official race time will start at 7 am and other waves will hit the trails every 10 minutes after!
This race is a staple to Spearfish and has many community wide events leading up to the big race!
List of Events are the following:
- August 29 @ 5pm to 9 pm: Five-O Pre-Party will be hed at the Spearfish City Park . This party includes live music, food/drinks, industry vendors, local vendors! Don't forget, there will be Strider race starting at 5:30 pm, followed by a slow bike race at 6:30 pm!
- August 30 at 12 pm to 6 pm: Registration and packet pick-up for participates will take place at Spearfish City Park
- August 31 @ 7 pm: Race day!
- After party will take place from 11 am to 4:30 pm! There will food trucks and brews from Crow Peak Brewery
- Awards cermony will take place during the after party, starting at 4:30 pm at the Spearfish City Park
- Evening After Party will be held at Killian's Tavern starting at 8 pm. There will be a raffle, along with a live music performance! (must be present to accept the prize.)