Spring is here! I got so excited…I wet my plants.
Yes, you read that right. Between now and June 16th, we will be plagued with dad jokes and every time we hear one, we cannot help but to image the stereotypical man wearing a t-shirt with his beer belly proudly protruding, platform New Balance sneakers, a cellphone belt clip and is holding a coffee mug with the infamous word “DAD” written across it—cringey, I know.
Not all dads fall under this classic definition however, but “Dad Culture” has invaded the internet, memes, social media and quite frankly, we’ve all embraced it for its humor, quirkiness and entertainment. This Father’s Day let’s embrace the quirks that fathers all over the world embody and help celebrate all that they’ve done for their families.
Celebrating a father or father figure can be tough when you know they deserve the world and something more sentimental than materialistic. Spending Father’s Day weekend in the City of Spearfish is one of the best signs of appreciation. There are activities for all interest types. On Father’s Day the Spearfish Sasquatch baseball team will be going head to head against the Hastings Sodbusters. The collegiate wood bat Expedition League provides affordable, wholesome family entertainment. The games are loaded with unique between-inning activities and entertainment in a fan-focused interactive environment.
If your old man enjoys outdoor adventure, Spearfish is home to two different disc golf courses and two golf courses. We have quality options to go fishing and areas to rent to gear from. The weather here can be unpredictable and on a colder day, maybe pops wants to go bowling or visit some historical sites. Regardless of your interests, stop by the Spearfish Visitor Center, and we can get you acquainted with activities that fit your visit. Explore this more!
As lunch time approaches, be sure to visit the D.C. Booth Historic National Fish Hatchery. This lunch is hosted annually of Father’s Day by the Booth Society and offers a scrumptious catered meal by Cheyenne Crossing. Tickets for the event can be purchased at Ruby’s Garden the day of the event. You can contact the Booth Society at 605-642-7730 ext. 221 for more information.
Thanks to all the dads that have impacted those around them, and next time they say something like “I used to hate facial hair…but it grew on me,” just laugh at it!